There once was a prince who wanted to marry and produce heirs to the royal throne. But his mother, Queen Snooty Toot, insisted that his bride must be a real princess. Only a real princess would do for a real prince. However, there was a scarcity of real princesses. As a result, there were many fake princesses who were very difficult to tell from real princesses. So Queen Snooty Toot devised an infallible test that only a real princess could pass. She put a pea under twenty mattresses and then put twenty feather beds on top of the twenty mattresses. Only a real princess could feel a pea under twenty mattresses and twenty featherbeds. But every princess that Prince Wily wooed and won failed the test. He despaired of ever getting married, until one night there was a terrible storm. King Milquetoast answered a knock at the door and there stood the most beautiful maiden Prince Wily had ever seen. Love at first sight. But could Daisy Mae pass Queen Snooty Toot’s test? Well, he wasn't called Prince Wily for nothing. She passed the test with flying colors (black and blue) and Prince Wily got his heirs and Queen Snooty Toot got her grandchildren.
Hint: it had something to do with a bowling ball.